Habbit du Loups du Soleil – MR 3 with Todd Dunlap his trainer and Jos Helsen from Belgium – the judge … Ironically Jos also judged Habbit back in July 2014 in Humboldt Co., CA and awarded him his first leg of his MR1!
Well Habbit finally gave me my belated b-day present of an MR3 with a score of 321. Moving to Ohio was a leap of faith.
It has been an honor to be a member of my new family and club – Heartland Working Dog Club and work with Middletown Ringsport Club to prepare for this adventure. It shows that it takes a village to create a Level 3 Habbit.
Thanks to Todd Dunlap for making me think that a stopped attack was as probable as an accurate weather forecast in Ohio. To Jake Brandyberry for bringing the confidence back to Habbit’s escort after such a long hiatus and to (of course) Joseph Cinnante for making me believe that Habbit can be more than he was and to encourage me to work for better perfection. And to not forget Redwood Bite Club for providing the lucky pink camo socks that allowed this magic to happen.
Crazy Rabbit!
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