February 9, 2011 – February 1, 2025
I have known you since you were 2 days old and I loved you more than life little Bunny.
How does one encapsulate a life so large in just a few paragraphs?
I can’t imagine another Habbit. He challenged my very being. He almost succumbed to bloat at 2 but went onto be an amazing bite-sport dog. He lived only to bite the decoy; his eyes would shine and his brain would dissolve. Everyone knew when Habbit-Bark-A-Lot was on the field.
I struggled whether to show Habbit at his prime or Habbit now. It’s so hard to see a strong dog decline in old age. I wish my strong dogs to be forever strong.
May you pass over the Bridge and have infinite biting and knocking down decoys forever.
Habbit- You are a once in a lifetime.
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