Attika Beatrix du Loups du Soleil IPO3 CGC CSAU

Attika and Anais
Attika’s titles & accomplishments

BH – Danubius Schutzhund Club Fall Trial 2012
IPO1: 96-94-98, SV/FCI Judge Haruo Masuda, High in Trial & High Protection & High Female, 2013
Attika earned her IP01 title February 23-24, 2013! Her scores were 96 tracking, 94 obedience, 98 protection. She was high in trial, high female and high protection. It was Judged by Haruo Masuda hosted by Danubius Schutzhund Club. - IPO2: 90- 98-96, SV Judge Lajos Foldvari, High in Trial & High Protection & High Obedience, 2013
- IPO3: 96-99-92, SV Judge Wolfgang Henke, High Obedience & High IPO3, 2014
Attika is obedient and VERY good and easy to live with in the home. She is friendly with people and indifferent with dogs. She has a narcotics detection and evidence recovery foundation.
Attika Beatrix du Loups du Soleil- IPO 1 Obedience- 94 points
Danubius Schutzhund Club Trial (2-23-2013) with Judge Haruo Masuda.
Attika Beatrix du Loups du Soleil- IPO 1 Protection- 98 points
Danubius Schutzhund Club Trial (2-23-2013) with Judge Haruo Masuda.