Here sits all the malinois with the ‘box’ of dog goodies (from left to right): Bodhi, Ricky, Jolie, Habbit and Kitty… Merry Christmas!!!
Archives for 2013
Merry Christmouse to all!
Mousekewitz Christmas
May all your Christmas wishes come true.
Love, Mouse
Attika IPO2
Attika (Pi x Lareina) earned her IPO2 in November 2013. Her scores were 90, 98, 96.
2013 AWMA National Champion Brando du Loups du Soleil
Congratulations to Julie Atchison and Brando du Loups du Soleil, the new American Working Malinois Association (AWMA) National Champions! Held November 15-17, 2013 in Chicago, Brando scored 98 A 96 B 96 C = 290 Total – 1st Place.
Brando’s obedience routine
Brando’s protection routine
Idole and India earn their MR1 in Oxnard, CA
Idole scored an impressive 198/200 and 196/200 to earn her MR1 title
Inde scored an impressive 195/200 and 194/200 to earn her MR1 title
5 I’s
Idole MR1
Inde MR1
Joker du Loups du Soleil – August 13, 2003 – September 28, 2013
This morning the world lost one of the greatest dogs. A master in just about everything he did from schutzhund to dock diving and of course his favorite, flyball. Hes my best friend, my family. RIP Joker we will love you forever!
Join us in saying goodbye to an incredible dog and a girl’s best friend, Joker du Loups du Soleil, SchH3, IPO3, ONYX, CGC, Dock Dogs Master. Our thoughts are with his family, Brittany & Dequane, and all who loved and enjoyed him.
Kaboom in a movie shoot
Michael Burkey writes:
Kaboom and I (I was a stuntman and the dog trainer on set) were in a movie shoot the other night. And, Kaboom is actually the hero in the movie. He had several action scenes to do and he did fantastic. One was a bite scene, one was walking up on a deck and peering in the sliding glass door and another was walking toward the lead character (whom he later saves in the movie) as a stray dog and then running up a grassy hill about 50 yards. The movie is about a man wrongly convicted of a crime, how he adjusts to being released and the relationship he develops with the stray dog who saves his life.
The movie, with a working title of “Mr. What” is currently in mid-production. It’s a family independent film and will have world wide distribution. It’s set to come out next year.
D’Saju passed his French Ring CSAU
I’m happy to report that D’Saju (Vice x Moki) passed his French Ring CSAU at the Patriot Ring Club trial. This was Saju’s and my first foray into the Ring world, so this was a bit more exciting for us than it may be for most people. :-)