L’Jersey Du Loups Du Soleil MR3, FR3, IPO3, SchH3, VPG3
Phendi Du Loups Du Soleil IPO3, SchH3, VPG3, CDX, RN, FM, TF-II, PT, CGC
Due Early February
Contact: Nicole Kelly, Email: nlkelly07@yahoo.com, Phone: 623.810.6501
Archives for 2012
Attitude Loups du Soleil
Competitive Canines Results
Competitive Canines Mondioring Club – Lakeport, CA
20 October 2012 | TRIAL ONE | ||||
Enzo du Loups du Soleil | M | B Mal | Lindsey Sommers | 189.5 | Q |
Elzer du Loups du Soleil | M | B Mal | Forrest Micke | 184.5 | Q |
Norcal’s Lunatic | F | ABD | Marcel Harnois | 168 | Q |
Endeavor du Loups du Soleil | F | B Mal | Forrest Micke | 150.5 | NQ |
Cole | M | GSD | Devin Goodall | 148 | NQ |
Cuka’s Yeckle | M | B Mal | Derrick Milliken | 143 | NQ |
Sprit’co Eureka | F | B Terv | Denise Fenzi | 143 | NQ |
Shrike du Loups du Soleil | M | B Mal | Michael Ellis | 247 | Q |
Vixen du Loups du Soleil | F | B Mal | Deb Parker Hawkins | 216 | NQ |
Voliaire du Loups du Soleil | M | B Mal | Scott Dunmore | 164.5 | NQ |
Judge: Aida Flick, USA Judge’s Secretary: Elissa Cline Decoys: Sean Miller, CO Andrew Ramsey, CA Deputy Judge: Sharon Novak |
21 October 2012 | TRIAL TWO: | ||||
Cole | M | GSD | Devin Goodall | 184 | Q |
Sprit’Co Eureka | F | B Terv | Denise Fenzi | 160.5 | Q |
Cuja’s Yeckle | M | B Mal | Derrick Milliken | 125 | NQ |
OBJ 1 OB Certificate | |||||
Haydn OT Vitosha | M | B Mal | Anastasia Anashkina | 65 | Q |
Beatrix Kiddo | F | DS | Patti Phillips | 44 | NQ |
Judge: Aida Flick, USA Judge’s Secretary: Elissa Cline Decoys: Sean Miller, CO Andrew Ramsey, CA Deputy Judge: Sharon Novak |
Iris & C’Biscuit
Snap FR Brevet, on to IPO2
Pleased to say, Snap (Xcessive Force Du Loups Du Soleil) earned his FR Brevet Sunday with a nice score of 95.6. The video is at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeuKnt0m_KQ
We are preparing as well for an attempt at IPO 2 in 2 weeks. Right before the Brevet we had tracked, and after went back to the IPO field for blinds and rear transports. I’m sure Snap thought he had won the lottery!
It’s a start!
Beto, aka Burton LDS, participated ob. Belgian Sociable Test Saturday. The Belgians take their events quite seriously! He got two medals and a card to put in his workbook. All dogs that participate in any competition in Belgium must have passed this first. There were 5 groups of 7 per group! Then we ate a fancy lunch!!
Hopefully not his last medal, but we had fun!!I did this in Belgium, on Saturday. In order to participate in any event in Belgium, the dogs here must pass a sociability test. It is basically the equivalent of a BH, without the obedience portion. Chips are read, then dogs go individually through a group of people, then group closes in like in a BH. Dog is then taken out of group, left on a sit and called into the group by handler. All designed to demonstrate that the dog can be around people safely. As in a BH, dog is tied out and two other dogs are walked by at a reasonable distance. Looking for dog aggression issues. When all have finished this (there were 35), the whole group goes to the road to check traffic sureness. Jogger, bicycle, car. That’s it.
Now, with the card I was issued, Beto is able to go on public transportation without a muzzle. All dogs without the card must have a muzzle either on, or available.
The fun part of this is that Beto did not start out overly social, shall we say. Now, using the amazing drive that he has, he has become quite a social butterfly. As I say with regularity……forget early puppy tests! Especially with malinois!!!!
Thanks Michael. I love this dog!!!
Brags from Big Sky
New Loups du Soleil titles to report from our trial held Sept. 15 and 16 in Bozeman, Montana. Judge was Andrea Duggan, trial helper was Craig Lewis.
Lexi – (Olexa du Loups du Soleil), handled by Warren Jones – IPO 3
Zappa – handled by Samie Jones, BH and IPO 1
Aahzi – handled by Anne Camper, IPO 1, HIT with high obedience, tracking and protection
And non-LDS brags – Samie and Dax (GSD) also got their IPO 1 and Anne and Bekqa got their FH 2.
It was a good weekend!
New World Record – 15.09
Rocket Relay ran a 15.093 at the Instant Replay Caledonia flyball tournament Sunday, June 10th, 2012 to set a new NAFA World Record!
On the team were:
Hippie, 10″ Mix, owned by Angela Decker. Handled by Meghan Shipley.
Vixen, Belgian Malinois, owned & handled by Brittney Hambleton.
Method, Border Collie, owned by Aaron Robbins. Handled by Kelly Robbins-Walt.
Pressure, Border Collie, owned and handled by Aaron Robbins.
Boxloader, Mike Almond.
Congratulations to the dogs and their handlers, and especially to Vixen & Brittney (A-litter, Pi x Lareina)!
You can visit www.flyball.org/stats_wr.html for the video.
Rocky Mountain Mondioring Club
Feist and Lisa helped by doing DIW for the Rocky Mountain Mondioring Club’s trial. His niece/granddaughter Zinnia earned her MR brevet with a perfect 100, his nephew L’Wee earned his MR1 and nephew Rebel got the first leg of his MR 2. His grandniece Vixen got the first leg of her MR2 and earned Decoy’s Choice.
Bacci French Ring 1
Hi, everybody. Bacci (Bogan x Joujou) has now passed both legs of his French Ring I title. We trialed on Saturday in Wells, Maine. Now on to Ring II!
I’m so proud of Bacci! Thanks again, Michael, for sending me such an awesome boy!
Foosha 2000-2012
Today I had to say good bye my beloved Foosha.
She never won any titles or blue ribbons but she was the best friend and companion I could ask for.
Not to mention the prettiest pup in the “F” litter!
I thank Sue Gillette for urging me to adopt her.
I thank Mike and Lisa for breeding the fabulous “F” litter.
Tonight I have a huge hole in my heart and my life.
Taz agility
Taz and I went to an agility trial at the beginning of the month. She ended up with 3 firsts and a second out of 4 runs. I got many compliments on Taz and her work ethic. You will note that I was able to layer the weave poles between the jump and myself. She is a great dog.
Carole Eklund, California Central Coast
Calia-Cavalier Belgians
Jersey earns Triple Title!
Whoo-hoo! L’Jersey du Loups du Soleil and handler John Allen just earned their Mondioring 3 making them the second LdS dog to Triple Title! Which of you is next?