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New Titles
February 2015
Novice Agility Jumper — Onyx du Loups du Soleil NAJ — Shane Miller — Breeder Nicole Kelly
L’Jersey du Loups du Soleil x Phendi du Loups du Soleil CDX RN
CGC — Poe du Loups du Soleil — Jennifer Weinik — Breeders Siobhan A Reilly & Lisa Maze
Pi du Loups du Soleil x CH Ouija du Loups du Soleil CDX RN
Naboo on a hike with buddies
New Website
Yep, you’re really in the right place. Lodestar Graphics (samie jones) is working on the new Loups du Soleil website! We’ll be working on it over the next few weeks, starting with security, adding data, and finally working on layout and design.
Send your photos, brags, comments, suggestions to lodestargraphics at